Private Room
Includes a king sized bed and private bathroom. 4 rooms available.
Total price is $2325
3 monthly payments of $775 each
When you sign up today you are paying your deposit to hold your spot on retreat. In the coming weeks, we will send you the contract and a link to set up recurring payments for the remaining 2 retreat payments as well as collect your meal and other preferences for retreat!
Includes a king sized bed and private bathroom. 4 rooms available.
Total price is $2325
3 monthly payments of $775 each
When you sign up today you are paying your deposit to hold your spot on retreat. In the coming weeks, we will send you the contract and a link to set up recurring payments for the remaining 2 retreat payments as well as collect your meal and other preferences for retreat!
Includes a king sized bed and private bathroom. 4 rooms available.
Total price is $2325
3 monthly payments of $775 each
When you sign up today you are paying your deposit to hold your spot on retreat. In the coming weeks, we will send you the contract and a link to set up recurring payments for the remaining 2 retreat payments as well as collect your meal and other preferences for retreat!